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FiberRide, for your brevet ride
It's the supplement that'll keep you feeling spry.
Short control times, no need to hurry,
FiberRide will make it easy, to get back on your bike in a flurry.
Just a spoonful, before you pedal away,
It'll keep you regular all the way, every day.
So don't wait, try FiberRide today,
For digestion that's smooth and okay on your brevet ride away!

FiberRide for brevets,
no more bathroom regrets.
Controls a breeze,
with FiberRide with ease.

Regular digestion,
on your brevet mission.
Try FiberRide now,
smooth ride, take a bow.

FiberRide, for your brevet ride
Keeps you regular, helps you glide.
Short control times, no need to stress,
FiberRide will make it easy, to get back on your bike, no mess.

Just a spoonful, before you pedal off,
It'll keep you regular, never cough.
Try FiberRide today, give it a shot,
For smooth digestion, on your brevet ride, you won't be caught

FiberRide for brevets, no more bathroom regrets. Controls a breeze, with FiberRide with ease.

Regular digestion, on your brevet mission. Try FiberRide now, smooth ride, take a bow.